I’ve Eaten My Post.

As I am away until the twelfth of July and  have scheduled a few posts so as not to dissapoint my visitors. I am planning an occasional coffee shop visit to beg wifi so do keep coming,  😇 😘

Today my healthy breakfast was even healthier than usual. In my strawberry pot little pops of goodness grew and  I chose this bright morning to pick them.


My breakfast mixed in a bowl waited in the kitchen. It waited for the topping that would make it look like muesli;  but in a party frock. Ths addition would bring beauty to the mix and raise the anti oxidants to levels supreme.

 In Anticipation of the breakfast I put out my favourite mug; the one with a picture of a fat strawberry slapped on its side. A coloured spoon that set the scene  was placed just so. The coffee pot pre – warmed and ready. My setting almost complete,  waited for me to photograph it,  A picture to finish off my blog, to proudly show my produce in its best light. A picture taken with a shiny new camera.on my phone.  I’m not a photographer or even a good snapshot taker, but this is brand spanking new and I was excited. After all what could go wrong.


From the deck outside the kitchen window, I plucked three juicy plump strawberries. They felt good in my hand, warmed by the morning sun. Their scent tickled my nostrils, my mouth filled with saliva and my tastebuds jumped to attention. By the time I walked into the kitchen they had disappeared. The only traces remaining were stains at  the corners  of my mouth. .I had eaten them, relished each one, I rubbed the achenes with my tongue,  they felt like goose pimples. Slowly I slurped, devoured and thoroughly enjoyed all three. That is why this  is incomplete, unfinished and left lacking. Because, I’ve eaten my post!

Post script…

I felt guilty so made a replica of said breakfast… minus the Yoghurt as It has gone too.. I snapped this second one just as my mouth began to water.

 To assuage my guilt I will leave you my breakfast recipe and maybe  the strawberries will get in to your bowl before being devoured.. .

One hand full of organic jumbo oats
Two desert spoons of chopped and sliced almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts.
Two teaspoons of already mixed, sunflower, linseed and pumpkin seeds.
Fresh fruit the sumptuous kind ( red or purple )
A dollap of thick plain yoghurt
Two desertspoons of fresh juice.
Two teaspoons of Agave nectar.
Mix, allow to sit for ten minutes
Then if you managed to get this far without doing so… eat.


Have you ever left something unfinished?
Have you scuppered your own blog?
Or eaten your post?
Leave me a comment let me know what you think of my photographic skills, and my recipe. I’m away for a bit but will answer as soon as I can. Meanwhile enjoy the sun.

12 thoughts on “I’ve Eaten My Post.

  1. Love it! Our breakfast bowls are remarkably similar – I wish I had home-grown berries! If I did, like you, I doubt they would make it as far as the breakfast table.

    Liked by 1 person

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