Auschwitz 1.

The memory never fades. As never it should.


Arbeit macht frei” (work set’s you free)

Beneath a winters sun a biting wind blew,

Where nobody saw and nobody knew.

With tears in the eyes of our guide

Shock on our faces no-where to hide.

I couldn’t remove her words from my ear

The ones no decent human wants to  hear.

Watching through a fog knowing the reality

It slid beneath flesh and warped earth’s polarity.

Ramming evil home, planting it deep

like marrow into the bone.

Escape was not made for here,

corrections happened and slaughter… its clear.

They walked towards death one by one,

Without the fear of what was to come.

When water became gas, to help them cope,

they sang the  Hatikvah, their song of hope.

I see piles of  hair when I try to sleep,

the discarded shoes torn from innocents feet.

I see their faces before me as I softly weep,

Brush crematoria soot from…

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4 thoughts on “Auschwitz 1.

    1. This may seem a bit abstract but I honestly believe … I did not visit a concentration camp. I am a little cynical and do not believe in ‘eebie jeebie shyte’ as my lovely late Father would call it. But at that awful poingnant place I found the weeping souls of those begging to be remembered. Thank you for giving it time your comments are payment to me.

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