‘Anne, What if we chose not to feed that bird,’ Daddy pointed, ‘because it has a yellow beak? None with yellow beaks.’ Mummy joined in, ‘We could tell everyone how wicked the yellow beaked ones were, they would copy,and soon there would be nowhere for them to go.’ Tears welled in Anne’s eyes, her lip trembled. She stood, her eyes swollen with unshed tears. “No! Everybody needs kindness, you always tell me that. I will be very cross and sad if you do. Please don’t.’ They hugged her, assured her she was right not to discriminate.

Charli Mills set this challenge at the ranch as set out below. June 4, 2020, prompt: In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about justice for all. It does not have to take place in America. Injustice exists anywhere. What is the story behind justice for all? Go where the prompt leads!

Respond by June 9, 2020. To read or join in press the blue.

Press here

I believe tackling justice for all #BlackLivesMatter needs to begin at the knee of families. My response is, to show how we all can nurture our young to become a better race.

I am still unsure if my take on the prompt is worthy of such a profoundly emotional subject.

Please leave your thoughts in the comments below.

Here Ends The First Lesson.

15 thoughts on “Here Ends The First Lesson.

  1. What a great challenge, 99 words. Wow. Such a massive topic that can be all consuming. To me it’s about respect for all, colour, creed, religion, sexuality…everyone no matter what. Simple really. Just wish it could be so simply solved. As far as coming from the family, yes in a way but being strong enough to break the cycle of you know in your heart it isn’t the right opinion to carry forth into another generation.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. oh Justine I just found your comments in spam you are now retrieved. I would always answer within two days so sorry. I will keep checking from now on. Thank you for your comments We must all voice our dislike and not allow any person within your circle to get away unchallenged.


  2. Once again you got it aced.
    Very well written.
    Everyone should be kind. How we rear our young reflects an awful lot. Thanks Ellen. I loved this

    Liked by 1 person

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