Poetry using Kennings.

I am a thermal floater ,

A finger flutterer,

Calling for a takeaway treat.

I am an alarm screecher,

A lesson teacher,

Not sneaky,

you know I am near.

A rampant rodent scoffer

A gliding hunter

Keeping farmlands clean.

I am an Auditory mesmerizer,

With my soaring cries,

I am a sorcerer in disguise.

I am beauty,

I am a Red Kite.

Only sleeping.

By Ellen Best March 2021

Picture from  https://pixabay.com/

I took the childlike kenning and inserted the concept into a freestyle poem, I believe it made this creature come alive. Another new route for me inspired by Lynn Whitehead from the Suffolk arts link. I like to play with what I feel safe with and try new forms, at least I try, … but did it work?. How do you push the invisible boundaries? I would love to know, talk in the comments below I will respond double quick.

28 thoughts on “Poetry using Kennings.

  1. I had to look up the definition of kenning and discovered that I had used them in some of my poetry without even realizing it. I’ve only been writing poetry about 4 years ( I’ll be 77 in May) and have not consciously tried to use forms in my writing, but write what feels right to my heart. I enjoy reading other styles of writing but I stick to simplicity, which is my comfort zone. I truly enjoyed your poem and learned that it is possible to teach an old dog new tricks! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I also used kennings in my freestyle poetry, unbeknown to me. Usually to inject a humorous description. Like you Walt, I prefer to do what feels right and leave form to others. I thoroughly enjoyed building this into my freestyle, not quite able to follow the true form which felt like a list of kennings. Thank you, us dogs can do anything but only if we do it with our style. 🤣

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I thought the imagery splendid, Ellen and each ‘I am…’ was both crisp and insightful. Good job PS, I’m with you about syllables; it just isn’t my sort of poetry if the constraint is just syllables. I’ve rarely read a haiku, Tanka or any other form and thought ‘wow that’s really good because of the syllable constraint’. I am also a hypocrite because I adore sonnets which have syllable constraints!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We each have likes or preferences, I call them tastes. That is because, we as writers know what feels right on our tongue and soothes when swallowed. I am thrilled with your comment and the time you afforded my words. X

      Liked by 1 person

  3. As always you achieved the task beautifully.
    Red kite came alive in my mind . You have done a very good
    Job again. Love reading your
    Poetry and prose.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is excellent Ellen you really bought the Kite to life for me. We have lots of Red Kites around here.
    I love to try all disaplines of poetry , I contrabute to Colleen Chesebro’s Tuesday Tanka Challenge. There are so many form suggested by Colleen and almost new types every week. You may know the link but here it is anyway. https://wordcraftpoetry.com/
    Like your Kite I love to spread my wings and screech ! Be well safe and happy. 💜💜💜

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am pleased you like it and chuffed with your comment. Alas Colleen tries to no avail as me and all the syllable counting … Japanese forms are alergic to each other. But thank you for trying. X


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