#World Book Day 2024

My take on BOOKS.

There are books that save you, that wet your cheeks, that make you feel lost when they are finished.

There are the ones that remind you of when you first heard them read, and ones you devoured under blankets, with a torch in your bed.

There are books that show you the best places to stay, the weather, the seas and the best way to pay.

I can be transported in time and space, by a glance of a well worn cover. The turn of an eye, a kiss from a lover.

There are books so precious that you could never lend, and books you re-cover again and again. You could replace them when covers tear, or pages come loose, but you don’t. You can not bear to part with that first copy that stole your heart.

There are books on your shelf because they once belonged to a person you loved, those ones will remind you of the life they had, and times you shared.

There are those that make you laugh out loud, and you speak of them often with a huge grin while gesticulating enthusiastically. … Or maybe that is just me.

Occasionally you find the book, that, … is as if it’s written about you, or the dress you wore, or the shade of your hair, she has your coat draped over a chair.

This life, the one I live, would be poor, and sad, and altogether less exciting, if it were not for the world of books that I am so lucky to have.


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