Crafting with Mummy.

‘Catch the loop, stupid girl. It’s crochet! Not bloody spaghetti. Pin it, pin it I say.’ My plump finger’s try so hard. My hands ache, my jaw clenched tight. I feel a sigh doop my shoulders. I open my mouth. A taste of metalic bitterness makes me wretch as my tounge wipes my lips. I can feel it pulsating, toothmarked and sore.

‘Useless girl.’ Her palm catches the nearest thing, my temple. I am pinned to that chair, my knickers damp as I flinch. This time I duck and she misses. Now she grunts, stoops eye to eye her spittle sprays my face. A hand as big as my head grasps, thumb in cheek, finger’s squeezing, digging.

Tomorrow I will wear makeup to school, At six, I learn how to change reality with imagination. First task of a Monday, tell the class what you did at the weekend. ‘Mummy taught me crafts’ I say this, standing proud on my chair.

Thank you Pnsivity101 #threethingschallenge

I love to chat, please leave me a comment before you go.

17 thoughts on “Crafting with Mummy.

    1. Thank you, for reading, I hope I did not trigger you. The reality is, a bad moment in childhood, can scar so deep, as to leave one with adult trauma. Even if it is a story. X


  1. That rings a softer bell, but ring it does…My Godmother – a near genius with hand-crafts: embroidery: exquisite; knitting Fair-Isle nearly ‘blind..’ tutted again as she perused my too tight, knitted stitches and frowned, and I sat, rigid and perspiring under her searching gaze. (Afterwards, she enjoyed making my hands ‘more lady-like’ by pushing back the finger-nail flesh to show ‘quarter moons’…I was only ever ‘passable’ with a needle, but recall smiling a soft smile at the memory when my first book was published. Joy Lennick

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