As I captured this mornings buds on the bush by the door. I was reminded of this writing from last year. After a tweak or two I repost it. A throwback Thursday; as relevant as it was back then. The last of my roses, still beautiful to me … even as they fade. Like the Ebb of Summer.

I shiver, pull my wrap tight about my shoulders. Evenings have drawn in; become sharper. Dew-laden mornings make my toes curl and the chill pinch my nose. Only two weeks ago we sat in the garden … way past ten. We sipped wine and listened to the night. We had no inclination to close the bi-fold doors, or to shut out the last of the warmth. Instead we jabbered about everything and nothing, until the light crept below the moon and purpled the sky.

As I flinch from the chill I know, my pyjama clad gardening this year has passed. Nor will we eat breakfast outside amongst the birdsong. I already miss him … reading aloud from the papers; while crunching toast. Tomorrow I will put flip-flops, sleeveless tops, shorts and sunscreens away. But today I will savour the last rays that warm my bones. The last of the peach Roses next to the door.

As the sun sits low in the morning sky; I see the Autumnal work to be done. The dust motes that dance in its lowered beam across the table, the streaks on glass that summer hadn’t seen. The Rhubarb’s last crumble waiting to be cooked. I see the rake that needs an oil before leaves hit its Tyne’s. There are beds to be made warmer. A sigh leaves my lips as I turn to go in. A season departs as I rouse another in its wake.

Thoughts of frosty mornings, warming soups, logs crackle and muddy boots. Rosy faces, knitted hats, harvest suppers, coconut mats. Shepherds pie served with peas. Suppers by the fire on cushioned knees.

Cuddles on the sofa under fluffy throws. Hear the crackle of a fire, taste hot chocolate laced with Brandy while warming our toes. Heathers pop their heads up to view Autumn’s arrival. Hedgehogs scurry past along the fence-line; like dryer balls, they roll up when the Cat flicks its tail. A memory beckons and Autumn has taken the Ebb of Summer away.

Could you taste the Autumn? Leave me a comment or two … just to please me.

The Ebb Of Summer.

52 thoughts on “The Ebb Of Summer.

  1. Dear Ellen, Thank you for sharing your post via your link at FB Group SIPB. I am so happy to have you back and have shared your post as well

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh Ellen…I love this. Autumn is my favourite season. This post really warmed my heart because these are all the things I love about autumn. I know it’s a time when we say goodbye to summer but it’s a beautiful season to be saying hello to. We said goodbye to our dad last week and I’m heartbroken; we all are as we adored him! It was quite sudden even though he had a bad heart. This post made me smile, and I know that every year from now on when I see the golden leaves scattered along the wood paths, he will be closer to my heart than any other time of year.
    You wrote this beautifully Ellen. ♥♥

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I feel for you and your family. X Our Dad, has been gone four years now. I see Autumn as the main season for me, because he passed on 4thOctober in the Autumn of his life. I am pleased my words made you smile and thank you Gloria for coming.
      P.s. one day soon you will realise, you remember his words, talk about his hopes and hear his laughter every day and that is what keeps him close.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for coming, reading and joining me with your comments. I was thoroughly on side, in agreement; with the same view on the weather and the wonderful leaf crunching season. Until you mentioned, the ‘P’ word. 👹💀🎃📰
      Overcome with a flush of perspiration my clammy skin was quickly joined by a gnawing stomach cramp. A heat that lurched majestically on movement; a sour taste coated my tongue. Standing swiftly, in hopes of reaching a sink made me both swoon and sway. Cold marble floor under me alerted me to my prone position. The scent of rotted vegtables and rancid bile, coupled with the sight of chopped carrots was more agreeable to me than thoughts of that dreaded orange vegetable. A vegetable that haunts my darkest nights and will never be pushed between my rosy red lips.*Backs away slowly.*


  3. Ahhhh memories of autumn those beautiful colours and then the winter..Alas they are but memories as I bathe in the low season’s sun which is hovering at around 33 degrees…Well penned Ellen 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ellen, I honestly don’t know how I arrived at your site, but here I am! liked what you wrote immensely, enjoy autumn and then winter, down under I have put my Ugg boots away, got out my sleeveless tops and shorts, bought a new wide brimmed hat……strawberries and blueberries are at my green grocer, bought the first mangoes of the season, put beer bottles in the fridge for long evenings, kookaburras are laughing their heads off, spring has sprung in colours and perfume……my most favourite time of year


    1. I am pleased you wandered my way and I hope you left breadcrumbs to find me once more.😊 How obvious but funny that your’e now doing the opposite to us in the UK. Happy Summer Shubha.


      1. I did leave sunflower seeds Ellen to find my way back to find you! Was the above comment addressed to me? I don’t hav a blog……I’m nervous about starting one. But I’m taking more than a look around 🙂


        1. Subha if I tap on your little picture it takes me to a wordpress address which is a blog … an empty blog but a blog. called wordpresscom5268. So possibly by chance or mistake you began a blog. There are you tube video’s that show you how or you can ignore me and leave the blog empty. You write so well and it is fun. If you do start a blog wordpress is the simplest and is free. You will find on my stories where others have left a comment you can tap their picture and as long as you have WiFi it will take you to their blog. The world is a click away. I hope this helps you decide. Come back soon for another read. 😇 if you do I think following my seeds could be a great title/ name. Good luck.


          1. “Come back soon for another read” Ellen, I sure will!
            “You write so well and it is fun” – wow! thanks so much.. Maybe I will start a blog, I have a few essays and poems saved but I’m not sure if they’re worthy of being read. You and some others that I have been reading are so good that I’m not sure I’m not up to it…..And the title you’ve suggested sounds very appropriate


            1. They are only suggestions but if you keep the name open you can just post a picture of something with a simple quote underneath, or a poem or story or a memory. If you write what you like to read … If you enjoy it others will too. I started Twitter at the same time so if someone liked something they could share it. Pinterest if you put “blog or wordpress” you will find someone doing something you want. Put word’s you write and pictures you take on your blog. Or thank the person you borrowed from, because you must never use other people’s as if it is yours. Good luck. I hope you follow me? You can press follow by email at the bottom of my page and you receive an email when I put something new on.😇 happy Sunday.


  5. Another amazing story ”as she does.” To describe the end of summer and the beginning of autumn love you. So talented cx


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