Charlie A Poem At Christmas.


Charlie wasn’t keen on Christmas, because of the paper, the lights and all the waste, He didn’t think it good to eat so much, when others went hungry, It soured the taste.

Charlie loved wearing Granddad’s flight jacket, the best ever Christmas gift, Grandma said he wore it each day, walking back from his overnight shift.

The coat was cumbersome and heavy, if zipped it came way past his throat. His arms needed to be longer, the leather smelt of tobacco, the wool a dirty old Goat.

But, Charlie could fit mucky Ethel, underneath it when the rain soaked all her card. Or the snow made her fingers go blue … as she sat in that old butchers yard.

He could fit a curled up ham sandwich and an apple from Grandma’s dish, Deep inside the wool lined pocket. So Charlie, he made a new Christmas wish.

He wished that all people had bedrooms, a place to rest their head. That mucky Ethel could have a bath and a coat to hold over her own head.

But Santa, he did not come calling, to the people who lived on the street. Instead he hoped they would have their own Charlie, who would give the shoes from their feet.

I added a sound bite for anyone wanting to hear me read this. “Do you think a child has opinions on subjects such as this?” I would love a comment please 😁

This year my Christmas cards were bought to support Shelter, we sent them only, to close family and even closer friends. But I purchased one item a week and two when I could, th as extras to my weekly shopping all year. I googled a list of what I should get, to be sure I was providing what was most needed. I trawled charity shops for sturdy rucksacks once cleaned I stuffed them tight. A female sack was complete by August and delivered to the drop in center in our charming market town; you would not think there would be a homless problem here. Just before the cold of December a male back pack was ready to give, being near Christmas, I included a card, a tiny bear and a notebook and pen as extras. My gifts make me tear up as I write this, because who is to judge and it was so little for some but would mean everything to them. May this season and coming year bring roofs for the homless.

19 thoughts on “Charlie A Poem At Christmas.

  1. I loved the thoughts of a boy caring and wishing to help give shoes and a place for homeless to lay their heads at night, Ellen. Such a very dear, beautiful poem which held my attention.
    When I was four year’s old, I asked Santa Claus for a pair of red shoes. When Santa asked if I wanted anything more, my Dad overheard me say, “Can there be peace on Earth?” He “ho ho hoed” and said “There is peace now.” (1959, probably) I was the oldest sister of two brothers one was 10 months old and the other was 2 and a half. My Dad went out the next night and bought me a very nice doll and wrapped it up himself. He told me a few years in a row how proud he was of my asking Santa a question which in church we hear of Peace on Earth. I wondered if this was true? I later wrote this out on my old blog, to share that Santa had been in the military (in my imagination) and “knew” there was NOT peace. 💚 🕊️ 🌲

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  2. What a moving poem, Ellen, and really lovely to hear you reading it.
    At certain times of the year, when I was a child, a bedraggled man would walk along our street. People said he was a tramp who spent all his time walking from one town to another. Maybe he had chosen his nomadic life, but I found it sad and used to worry about what he ate and where he slept.
    I can’t imagine how confusing and upsetting it is for children now to see so many homeless people sleeping on our streets. Many children, watching from their pushchairs, will be too young to even articulate the confusion and sadness they feel. Hopefully it will encourage a future society that has real empathy towards others, but it’s so sad that homelessness is such a huge and growing problem right now, and finding a way to help these people seems so far away.
    Thanks for sharing your wonderful poem,
    Sara x

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  3. Such a touching poem, Ellen. Our eldest son was always extra-caring from young and did lots of charity work and trained as a Carer for several years.I was still a child when I saw the first “Little Women” film, and already a ‘softie’… set to and collected as many children’s clothes as I could, to give to a large family I knew. I did this several times over the years, because, although I didn’t have much money of my own, I was able to help. It doesn’t take much and most children are soft-hearted when appealed to. I hate to think of anyone not having a roof over their head or enough clothes to keep them warm. The wonderful team of SOS Big Build (on TV recently) converted a huge building in the UK into tiny, attractive bed-sits with a communal dining room /kitchen for six people sleeping rough. I really hope this sets a precedent. x

    Liked by 2 people

    1. And so do I. I am also a little women fan and hoped to be Jo when I grew up. I will let you know if I ever do … grow up that is. 😊😉 thank you for your time and comment. Your eldest son has caught the love, from his Mum. X

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  4. This is a touching poem, Ellen. I have a child in my class who is always full of concern at cruelty to people and animals around the world. She’s 4 and gets tears in her eyes talking about it 💜

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Maybe the exposure to so much so young will breed a world of considered and caring people of the future. Maybe teaching the youngest or planting the seed will give the world a good future. Thank you enormously for your comments Ritu.

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  5. I really liked this Ellen it spoke volumes. Yes I do think a child can have opinions on this subject, sometimes their opinions bare more concise than ours.
    Listening to your reading of the poem gives it even more gravity. 💜💜💜

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your comments make me smile. Thank you. I heard a child of about nine ask the woman he was with (maybe parent) why are there people left like this, how can we help? It made me realise that with phones and social media younger children are thinking about politics more and more. He did not depict the person he had seen, he worried about all of them.

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