The Dirty Sun.


This morning, I woke to a pink sky. For the first time in weeks the wind and rain had stopped battering us, leaves stopped swirling in never ending circles on the lawn. Squirrels could collect and bury their nuts without their tails slapping their faces as they did so.

The sun streams through the windows to remind me of the things I need to do, or didn’t do as well as I thought. I refer to this type of light, the sort that comes in low and shows up every speck of dust and glass streak it can find. ‘The Dirty Sun.’

Grunts and rumbles can be heard from overhead, a tap runs a cistern noisily empties.The Husband wanders down stairs fresh from sleep, scratching his head and looking about the room with a bemused squinting smile on his face.

I get it in first. ‘Can you see what this dirty sun has done to the table and windows?’ Without stopping for breath. ‘How very dare it leave such a mess.’
‘Let us just close the curtains then we don’t have to look, … what do you say?’
He smiled and replied. ‘It makes perfect sense to me.’
Such a considerate man. > I sigh <
I go back to writing while the cups clink in the kitchen and his voice heavy with laughter said, ‘Tea.’

I would love to hear your comments, at least to read some. I follow other commenters blogs and would love to get to know you. “How’s your morning?”

13 thoughts on “The Dirty Sun.

  1. You had me at ‘Tea’. Dirty sun reigns here also, between the coastal wind whipping up the sand, Hazel Hound licking the glass and me just being lazy, the dirty sun has made a right mess of showing up our failings β˜€οΈ

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Oh yes Ellen! My windows are always fine until the sun shines through! My window at the kitchen sink is the worst. Our living room windows are so low, our little dog can jump onto the window sills…and she licks the windows! Argh. . .
    Oh well, worse things can happen!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Dirty sun. Dirty windows.
    Loathsome task trying to clean windows. Always streaks no matter the vinegar. Your welcome for the reminder of my worst peeve.😊

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Dirty Sun. lol
    I once had a gentleman tell me after he’d done a very poor job of laying flooring down with a crease right down the middle, that if it wasn’t for my large window, we’d never even see that crease. I’ll bet he thought it was a dirty sun too.
    Good day so far. We had the wind the past couple days and now the rain. Skies are overcast so I’m sitting under a full spectrum lamp trying to brighten my mood. πŸ™‚


    1. I am generally an up person, my bath is half full and there’s room for more hot water. That’s not to say that while walking in gale force winds and rain that hit like Grandma’s pin box this morning I didn’t wish for the return of the dirty sun.
      But once warm and fed I could see that it had been very good for me. Yes I think your floor layer probably had a dirty sun that day. Thank you for stopping by come see me again soon.πŸ‘‹πŸ˜‰

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I love that expression. ‘Dirty sun’ is wonderfully descriptive. Here in Atlanta we are just coming out of a month of rain and I’m finding out just how much the dirty sun hid while it was away.


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