Five Silly Things.

This month I was prompted to reveal and describe five silly things I do or say, so others can get the measure of me. So hold on to your holly hocks and here goes.

Picture of Hollyhocks.

I make stuff up … funny that.

Once I held a conversation about my imaginary childhood in a place called Black Rock. This was accompanied by an Irish accent (very bad). After ten or twenty minutes I smiled nicely and made to leave. That was when the Irish couple I had been speaking to … waved goodbye and hoped I’d call in when next visiting their home town of Black Rock. *smug*

I am bonkers.
I secrete note pads and pencils about my person (see my story glimpes of me here ) pencil in my hair, paper in the top of a holdup stocking.

I can be dramatic.

I lay my hand backwards across my brow, fluttering my lashes as I swoon. Next I hold the pose for three seconds (i know you are doing this) in a breathy voice say “But… you do love mei (pause for effect) dhont yoou dharling” and finally
batting my lashes I drape myself across the husbands lap. This is quite Edwardian in nature and makes said husband blush.

A quirky being am I.

I am an early riser that is my thing. Singing is also a thing; one that most people prefer me not to do. I vocally reproduce the ‘Good morning’ song in the guise of Doris Day at the top of my ( not so crisp) voice, while dancing in a mock hoe – down fashion (at least once a month) to rouse “the husband” from prolonged slumber.

My face full of mischief.

I admit to mischeif.

I frequently Pretend I am of the same origins as people trying to sell me things over the phone. I repeat exactly what they say in their own vernacular… until they put the phone down. Or I have been known to repeat in the most pretentious voice available to me … “Dahhling I am truly distraught” I tap the phone on the mouthpiece. “Frightfully awful I can not hear a word” tapping hard on the mouthpiece again, before cutting them orf!

I am nothing if I’m not inventive.

I have been known to plop myself cross legged on the library floor in the children’s corner and read aloud with voices and actions. This either has parents dragging children away with startled looks or gathers them in front of me; teddies clutched to chests thumbs in mouths… *whispers* and that’s just the parents…

P.s. I can count, but Ellen stylee.

Talking too much (in some folks minds) is my thing. If a story can be told in two words it … in my mind isn’t worth listening to or wasting my breath on. When required to, I listen intently. After all that is how I get the stuffing for a character or inspiration for my book.


Please tell me one silly thing about you, I look forward to your comments.

54 thoughts on “Five Silly Things.

    1. Pleaseee … are they super hero pants, I could understand those matched with a wonder bra would I am sure *whispers* give me powers. But if they are frozen ones that is a step to far … nothing worse than frozen feet 😁😂😃


  1. Haha! Silliness is such an important trait, Ellen, and you are an inspiration. I write a humor blog and love to take silly photos for it. Recently I did one about how to prevent a head injury. (I had a concussion this summer) and I was totally silly posing for the pictures wearing a helmet. I like to write surprise endings in my flash fiction pieces too!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. When I, an only child, was around eight, I sometimes amuseed myself with what nature provided in my backyard. I remember pretend farming caterpillars for their “fur” and racing snails up the outer wall of the garage. Snails fascinated me. I was always trying to lure them out of their shells.

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  3. All the best people are mad, aren’t they? Love the idea of talking back to callers. Usually I pick up the phone and don’t say a word, just listen silently until they hang up.

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  4. This is really funny! I love your idea of speaking back to cold callers! i am not sure I could keep that up though, I’m just so rubbish at accents. Do they sound gradually more annoyed!?

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  5. We did the camper living thing for over a year, with our 3 kidlets who were teens at the time. Not because we were between homes – I’d been inspired by another local homeschooling family who spent winters traveling the country, and summers parked at a nearby awesome campground. Long story, but our home on wheels stayed mostly parked, and then we stumbled across the amazing rental house we’re currently in. Not sure why I’m rambling on about it, but there ya go. *grin*
    Oh, and you had me at “silly” – the addition of “dramatic” “quirky” and “bonkers” has me completely sold. Still giggling over Black Rock… 🙂

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  6. lol ME TOO!! One of my favorite humans just clucks his stodgy serious self and says when are you going to grow up OR that is ONLY in the movies no one does that but you bwaaaaaaahahhahahaha really adds to his venom when i just giggle back at him 😛

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    1. We are now ensconced in our victorian converted school house ‘ooooohhhhhmmmm’ *channelling Jean Brodie*. A tad tired is an understatement (the house) it wil be a looonnngg while before boxes are all unpacked and rooms are the way we want. But headway has been made and the tired house hasn’t a patch on a knackered me. 😆😊😇

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  7. Feel for you, though ours was a tent then caravan rather than motorhome beofre buying the cottage in 2007. When we sold it in 2014, we were back in the tent house hunting after a week or so with our friend before buying the boat. McDs have free WIFI by the way as do some banks.

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