Liking Autumn

I love the crunch beneath my boots,

Crisp mornings and coloured trees.

Fingerless gloves and owl hoots,

Long scarves down to my knees.

Conkers burst their, spiked armour,

Spill their seeds for conker wars.

Scarlet and golden paint a scene,

To cover paths and forest floors.

Without Autumn there’d be no respite

a harvest moon would not appear.

No Halloween or cosy suppers

To bring us all our Autumn cheer.

So many of you asked, ‘what are conkers?’ I have popped this link for you. Here . The shaddow fighter picture above was found un credited on the internet and depicts a conker war. All other shots are of my own making.

What do you like about Autumn? Have you played Conkers? I’d love to hear … go on, you know you’d like to.

75 thoughts on “Liking Autumn

    1. I beat you to the request, haaha! I read your palm tree un- formed rhyme too. Nicely placed amongst the baby blue. Do come again soon. My flash fiction makes for a bite of story, four minute reads for lunch. I am in poetry mode for now that may change as I sprinkle my blog with both. Happy Monday.


  1. Really enjoyed this Ellen… But people don’t know what conkers are??? There’s a whole part of childhood that needs to be caught up with… I used to put clear nail varnish on mine to make them tougher…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. While I am juxtaposed in my head about Autumn, this ode is an excellent rendition of all things that promote the season. My issues with it began when I saw winters extending in gloomy skies that last until spring. The landscape seems empty for too long and where snow once broke it up it seems my mood follows the end of autumn and festers until greenery appears again.
    Or is that a starting though for the opposite seasonal ode lol
    Very good Ellen and yes, back in the day we did use alchemy on conkers to try and eek out victory. I believe they are now banned in schools mind, some health and safety…no wait, that’s a ramble waiting to burst out… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Parents need to teach their kids conkers at home to keep the traditions alive… and get the little blighters out of their shells! 😉 *cough cough* of course i was refering to the conkers… *whistles*

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  3. Autumn is my favorite season, and you’ve written wonderfully about it! While I’ve never played Conkers (I only learned about them through another blog post this year), I admire the nostalgia it brings to your post – so lovely.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Definitely the most beautiful season! This reminds me of my childhood – conkers in the park, tomato soup out of polystyrene cups at school bonfires at the end of October, making collages out of leaves……my 6 year old nephew is coming tonight, so maybe we will take him to our local park to collect conkers and teach him how to play (forget h&s!)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I do love all the seasons for different reasons, but Autumn does have a slight edge to it! WE are doing Autumn as a topic next week in nursery so will be conker rolling! (painting with them!!!)

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    1. You can thread them with string to make a heart shape with a loop at the top like a picture frame at christmas they will be wrinkled but rub sparingly with silver creme or pva and glitter and they will sparkle a room/tree with love… jus sayin. 😇😉

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  6. I love your description of autumn! The dark nights/mornings mean I’m not so keen on this time of year but you have listed all the great things about autumn of which I need to remind myself. I do love being cozy indoors when it’s not so nice outside and ‘cozy suppers’ are just perfect 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Surely the best thing about Autumn is collecting all that fruit for free, the blackberries!
    On second thoughts, looking at the cuts and scarred skin suffered from reaching that last perfectly formed berry that is always eight feet up and three feet into the hedge, possibly not.
    Also, as a lover of Black and White photography, it’s too damn colourful. Roll on the skeleton trees and low light of Winter!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I love Autumn too, such a wonderful time of the year. I remember conkers being a thing when I lived in England, but never actually played.

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  9. Oh I love this, it really encapsulated Autumn for me, & I also love Autumn. Can’t believe kids aren’t allowed to have conker wars at school now! It was one of the highlights of Autumn for me as a kid.

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  10. Love love love this post!
    As a new dog owner I am really starting to get attached to the countryside and I have already noticed the change in colours. Please bear in mind I have spent 44 years sat on a sofa, watching TV and filling my mind with crap. So getting out everyday and walking has been huge for me.
    Love Autumn. Love conkers – my mother says they scare away spiders but not tried this yet. Love the smell in the air.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Don’t try to find out! Just do as you do with fairies and unicorns… just believe. I hate the ‘S’ word and conkers are behind each door by mid October. I wish we had a dog, but we go away too much for that.

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    1. They grow on The Chesnut tree, they are in the photo. They have spikey shells covering a large solid nut like seed, walnut size. Inedible to humans, unlike the sister tree, the sweet chestnut tree which bears nuts for roasting. I have added a link to my post.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Oh! Thanks for the link. Lovely poem and bright attitutude! I think conkers are called buckeyes around here, but alas, no game. Kids find them on walks and carry them around in their pockets for their parents to find later in the wash.

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  11. I love the colours of the foliage and the cooler weather. And so many things happen in Autumn – Thanksgiving, Halloween, and the lead up to Christmas. What is there not to love?

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  12. ‘Conkers burst their spiked armour’ – lovely! I love walking through the woods on crispy sunny mornings like today, not to mention making every autumnal recipe I can think of!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! Autumnal foods and crisp mornings. Time to make a shepherd’s pie with sweet potato wedges roasted with honey salt black pepper until sticky. Thank you, You can come again! Yum.

      Liked by 1 person

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