I have a fear of being stuck in clothes … bear with me … I’m sure I am not the only one. I have been a spectator on many occasions in the past to this phenomenon, as a fashion retail manager. But only this morning, I became the subject of what I believe is Clothestraphobia.

Recently we took a few days away. Whilst we were there I took a liking to a garment. I spied the concoction, through the window of a quirky clothes shop in Bridport Dorset called Butterfly Boho.

After many years as a regional trainer for a luxury brand, my shopping is coloured by how the layout of a shop works, how garments are displayed and windows are dressed; not to mention the service. Needless to say, those things can have me wandering for hours; rarely buying. All of the above baffles the husband. If you are ever around us at such a browsing session, you could possibly hear the words “For goodness sake just buy something” coming from the exasperated husband’s mouth, or the occasional expletive (for f*’s Sake Buy it!). More often than not I go on my own.

Last week he caught me gazing, heard me sigh and followed my look. Grabbing said bull by the horns, he strode in and made a purchase. Looking is not usually a good measure of shape or fit. looking and sighing is, however, a measure of wishing, hoping you would look like that mannequin if … you wore the garment. Bearing in mind you would need to be as firm, as that hard piece of physicality, perfectly shaped and as tall as that mannequin to get the same look … often that gaze and sigh is where it ends.

I thanked him very graciously, all the time hoping he hadn’t wasted his money. Secretly fearing my four-foot-eleven frame and all its wobbly bits would look like a sack of King Edwards, ones that have wrinkled and softened with age. In fact, I hoped I would be blessed by the garment once it was on, suitably disguised and my figure enhanced.

A few days have passed since we returned, ( to give me time for a manic starvation diet and detox) this morning after a bath ( imaginary steaming off/melting more blubber) I donned my prettiest underwear, brushed my flowing hair, and applied lip gloss to give myself the esteem trying on the new dress deserved.

This is where I attached myself to the word ‘Clothestraphobia. The garment is two dresses. One is an underdress, fixed just above the hem on the inside but seperate everywhere else. The top layer is voluminous and has hitches and tucks that make it quirky. Picture of the garment below.

I love the different; after years of looking the part while working in fashion. I now try to be … alternative.
Things didn’t go to plan. The first mistake was stepping into it. Nevertheless, I did. Somehow I dropped the inside layer during entry and put my foot in the underskirts armhole. I know, hard to believe that but I did.

Continuing to pull it up and put my first arm in resulted in the other arm/leg hole tangling around my knee; horrific. By now I could hear the sound of belly scratching, stumbling and yawning as the husband, disturbed no doubt by my grunts and bangs, began to wake. Not wanting to be caught in a state of inelegant pose, I dropped my free arm and head inside. I thrust my hand in the inner skirts free arm hole and tried to stand. Now thoroughly stuck with my arm bent like a flipper above the head which is covered by the outer layer … I begin to move crab-like. With a now inner layer being pulled around my crotch, made tighter by the act of me trying to stand.

Below is a picture was taken of me while trying to show the reproduced moment. Though I really couldn’t get quite as tangled as I truly was.

My face was hot and my husband could be heard flushing the chain. At first, I felt a little bubbling in the depths of my throat, I remember thinking … NO! I shuddered when the filthiest laugh startled me, I hiccupped several times. Uncontrollable laughter took over, I wandered bumping into furniture while trying to twist my body free; doubled up inside the dress.
A tangle of hair, red cheeks and smeared lippy eventually looked into the eyes of a stunned husband. As only Ellen would. I said, “Thank you for that .. tea?” I pulled on my dressing gown without looking at what I know was a bemused face with a crumpled dress in his hand. We Sat, silently sipping our morning tea. You could hear a fly batting off the glass on the stable door.

I sniffed straightened my back and said, “well, things can only improve” he nodded, then slowly shook his head. That dear readers … is “Clothestraphobia”.

Have you suffered this affliction? Or assisted in the extraction of someone suffering? Let me know that I am not alone.

p.s. all photographs are the product of my own zapping.

I May have #Clothestraphobia.

35 thoughts on “I May have #Clothestraphobia.

  1. hahaha!!!! I once put my head through an armhole of a dress in a dressing room at a department store. I could not get out. I called for my daughter (then a woman in her early 20’s) , she walked in and doubled over in laughter asking how I managed that… it took her several minutes to compose herself and after much struggle she got me out. She then went on to explain how to put on a dress… I confess I do not go shopping alone anymore…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I tend not to even consider overly complicated items- if I can’t get into it in the dressing room by myself, how am I going to dress myself in the morning? (Being that I don’t yet have tiny birds flying around me to help…) I am always willing to try things on in a store, because why waste my time purchasing it and then bringing it back when I could have just figured it out right away? I feel like designers need to be more realistic when it comes to putting on their clothing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Or maybe I am a clutz. As a rule I’d try on in the fitting room, usually the mirror so close puts me off … magnification is not what I require. Thanks for visiting today. ☺


  3. Hehehee! This really made me giggle, although we have all been there! I am so impressed that you managed to take a photo!! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Haha, Ellen, this is very funny. I think we have all be there in our lives, tangled up in a sophisticated and flowing dress, hoping like mad we won’t rip the jolly thing as we try to find our way out of it again.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I have to confess, I don’t like shopping (apart from food shopping) – one hour and I’ve had enough. Although if a shop is artistically presented, then this does make me stay a little longer.

    Many thanks for stopping by my Travel and Photography site. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh goodness I laughed out loud. I can so identify and might have to write a blog post about the time I wore a new skirt and blouse set that I’d bought at a consignment shop. Long story short, at the end of the day I was trying to remove the skirt and it got stuck around my boobs. I was all alone, and in a hurry to be at a kid’s baseball game. I ended up having to cut myself out of the skirt.

    Liked by 1 person

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