#writephoto The Summer Of Mystery.

Use the photo to form a story, poem or post by noon on Wdenesday 30th November click HERE to read other wonderful responses or to join in the fun.

Wendy took hold of her friends shoulders and shook her. “Suzy stop trying to peek, you aren’t being fair,” Wendy was pouting and frowning. “You promised me and if…  if you want to be my best friend,” Wendy had fat tears hanging from her lashes, threatening to fall.They worked their way deeper into the tree line, Suzy wobbled and tripped her way over the uneven ground. 

Wendy pulling her friends hands led her in wide circles over fallen logs and tinkling streams. “Suzy constantly moaned and flinched “Are we there yet” she called.” But on they trod, Wendy stopped her and let her smell some bluebells and listen to the woodland creatures rustling and birds in full song. “Listen… can you hear the magic? Do you feel the special? Oh Suzy we are almost there it smells like candy floss doesn’t it? We have to do the thing now… the secret words then it will happen.”

Wendy untied the scarf from her friends eyes. “Don’t  look! keep the eyes closed or or… it won’t work. Abracadabra round and round let the magic be found!  Wave Wendy, both hands hard..  go in circles keep your eyes shut”. Finally Wendy whispered “Open your eyes”. Rubbing her face and looking through squinting eyes she blinked rapidly. A huge grin spreads across her face gripping Wendy’s forearms both girls squealed and tapped their feet like flamenco dancers. 

Suzy looked her friend close into her face as Wendy whispered to her “I told you it is magic, the secret fairy den. We are the only special ones who know. The two little girls armed with their secret prepared for a magical summer.

Photographer E. Best  permission needed to use this image.

Did you have a secret place a summer of ,magic. Please let me know your story in the comments… I look forward to reading them all, i will reply to them all. 😇

Missing You Already.


So long sweet follower and visitors alike. Time to chill and read at will, a chance to write with paper and pen, to watch the sunset, walk hand in hand and chill.


I am away, wifi free for a couple of weeks. With the best, Best that’s ‘he’ and me.


You can leave me a message, a comment or a like.
I will answer you all on my return, around mid June. Once back expect to see a cornucopia of words and a cup of tea.
Missing you already. 👋👋👋*wipes tear*

Pictures are used with thanks, from pixaby, myself  and other unknown sources. 


Who knows what adventures we will have?
The places I may stumble upon or in if my name were Alice… which it is not!

The Anti Bucket List


So many of us put our dreams on a list, a bucket list, a to do list or whatever name you care to give such a thing. How dissapointed you would be if every time you read “the list” you saw all the things you had “not” managed.
A failure that’s what, even if you told yourself that the two or three you had completed or ticked were brilliant and awesome. Each time you looked you would see “I haven’t made it yet,” In big letters before your eyes. The dreams you hadn’t ticked, the things you hadn’t completed would catch your eye first deflate your spirits and *sigh* make you feel flat. My proposal is that we keep an “I Have Done list.”… “Tahdah!”


Okay the name needs work, we will get to that at the end.
It could be written on the best paper or parchment, in your best handwriting; Italics I think. Such a thing could be displayed in a cabinet like an Egyptian scroll and tied with scarlet ribbon. But best of all it would be a list of all your “firsts” your “look at me moments.” With not a one disappointment in sight.
How motivating, pride inducing, blooming wonderful would it be.
1. I grew my hair
2. I passed my driving test
3. I kissed a girl
4. I kissed a boy
5. I ate desert before dinner
6. I ate a cake to myself 😋
7. I gave blood
8. I am self employed
9. I fell in love
10. Survived my first broken heart 🎉

Of course you could expand or shrink it accordingly, if you have been an adventurer you may begin with your fist solo trip. But I think you get the idea a list of accomplishments.
There would be many more satisfied proud people if we each compiled and read our accomplished list often. We spend so much time on negative unachievable dreams. We bash our own heads with the proverbial stick that we collected ourselves just for the job. I am not saying don’t dream, dream huge and frequently, but as in all things once committed to paper, it stops being a wonderful dream and changes to a taunt, a tongue poking name calling one that you wish you’d never written. Mostly we put on extravagant, expensive, maybe if we won the lottery type of dreams on a bucket list… unachievable to the most of us. Let us begin being realistic, be kind to ourselves.


What would you Name your list? Where would you begin? At your biggest proudest accomplishment or your smallest earliest?” Do you like or dislike my idea?
Join in let me know in the comments. Look forward to reading and responding.

Posted from WordPress for Android

A Musical Reminder For A Valentine’s Weekend.

If this is the pain of love does it mean that it will make me sing like this? A fantastic voice and magnificent artistry.
On Valintines weekend we must recognise the pain
Please press the link there is no filth not on my watch, just an over cautious censorship scantily clad couple but no “Bits showing” please enjoy her voice is amazing.
Mix – Paloma Faith: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaKr9gWqwl4&list=RDEM_u1Z4hWjcHRotgPSJynsRQ


A match made in eutopia?
Oh my, a Valentines mischeif is afoot.
Please let me know what you think of my song choice
then pop across here to join the valantines party here with Jaquie here
Also right on this link is a wonderful musical blog share why not join in leave a like or a favorite song.

Posted from WordPress for Android

Random Peculiarities.


I got this idea from a fellow wordpress blogger on a blog called, Tears Run South. *waving thank you for the idea. In writing a piece about her odd socks, she inadvertently had bloggers and visitors alike revealing pieces of themselves all over the place. Go and look it is a brilliant site,.
Peoples oddities are interesting and fun, so I will start by leaving you two, not one.

My favourite scrumptiousness’ to eat on an open sandwich is marmite with orange marmalade * slurp*
Since the age of twelve… this may be more than you can take, but completely true. I drop the contents of a white sherbet fountain into a bag of salt and vinegar crisps. Next grasp the top tightly, shake to mix and allow to settle.
Each crisp is coated in sherbet dust and * salivating* it is sweet and sour and delicious.
Okay being as I already revealed those on the blog mentioned above, I will admit to one more.
I made my now son in law take the crisp sherbet test when he asked to marry my daughter. We were in Totness high street sat on a bench when I passed him the ingredients of my concoction and said.
” lets see if you’re a good catch”
He copied my every move as we together made my recipe.
After two crisps, one to try and a second to give it a fair chance, he passed them to my daughter while slowly shaking his head to and fro. He took the challenge like the gentleman that he is. I believe the act or forfeit as he jestingly called it sealed our friendship for ever. .. I am now loony mum in law.

Please reveal yourself or at least a peculiarity in the comments below, lets have some fun.

(Picture of a map of curios found on March 2013 the Londonist e magazine.)